Bench Dogs / MFT Table

After seeing a lot of people on YouTube using ‘Bench Dogs’ in MFT’s (Multi Function Tables), which are small cylinders, around 20mm in diameter with a lump of some sort on top usually made of either high grade plastic, or if you want to get fancy, aluminium, I decided to give it a go, hopefullyContinue reading “Bench Dogs / MFT Table”

New Drill Press / Pillar Drill (take 2)

After all the shenanigans with the last drill press… and subsequent return, I decided to go with a different brand, at a slightly higher cost, before proceeding with my ‘go big, or go home’ plan B. Trawling through all the online reviews yet again, it appeared most of the Drill presses in this price bracket,Continue reading “New Drill Press / Pillar Drill (take 2)”

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